Italy 2011 - Here I go again , all sentimental on you
When I first moved to Italy , my town , Marano Marchesato , only had 1100 inhabitants. Quite a change for a 10 year old boy who had lived in the Bronx for most of his life. Today , the town , virtually joint at the hip with "la grande Metropoli di Cosenza" is approaching the 4000 figure. Residential dwellings are sprouting out everywhere, even in places that my many geologist friends once deemed critically ill-suited for construction in seismic areas, Well , that's Italy , and we will have to keep our fingers crossed.
More to come on this topic. For now, enjoy the bright food pictures and recipes , as I catch up with my posting and writing.
Panorama of Home Town and background mountain range (Serre Cosentine)
Make sure to click on zoom in on this picture, you might see many of my cousins walking , better yet, zipping down hills on their souped-up mega-scooters.
Ahime' !
More to come on this topic. For now, enjoy the bright food pictures and recipes , as I catch up with my posting and writing.
Panorama of Home Town and background mountain range (Serre Cosentine)
Marano Marchesato |
Make sure to click on zoom in on this picture, you might see many of my cousins walking , better yet, zipping down hills on their souped-up mega-scooters.
Ahime' !
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