Easter 2013: The Four Francis'

Michele Francesco Maria, that is my name full Italian name. Sounds  nice, doesn't it ? Gentle, maybe even kind.  And did you notice something that I have in common with our new Pope? Yes, we are both named Francis. But the similarity ends here. Or does it ?

I was given the name of Francis  because of my birthday falls on the day that commemorates St Franics of Paola's.  I will  honor the Saint from Paola, a town 25 km from where I grew up, with different feast, aon a different occasion.  Today there is another Francis that I wanted to talk about.

Cardinal Bergogli, our new Pope,  named himself,  Franciscum in Latin, Francis for us Anglophones. I can't help but share with you the Vatican's recent words, the full magnificent text that the Catholic world awaits once  every so often.
Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum;
habemus Papam:
Eminentissimum ac Reverendissimum Dominum,
Dominum Georgium Marium
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Bergoglio
qui sibi nomen imposuit Franciscum
Pope Francis, names himself after St. Francis of Assisi, a figure of utmost humility, conversion and reform. Pope Francis, a Jesuit by formation and training. He looks to the the saint and to his life as an example of humility and human respect, an example to be followed, taught and emulated by simple examples. Pope Francis has indicated that in his first few weeks as leader of the Catholic flock.

Pope Francis - March 2013- source: wikicommons

So , tomorrow's feast celebrates a joyous day, and does so on many levels.  It is first a celebration of Christ's eschatological promise and significance to mankind. Second,  the feast represents my personal welcoming celebration for Pope Francis. Third, it's a  celebration of family, as we will be a full house and I love to serve them, regardless of the work involved. And finally, on the more  mundane side, a celebration of my own birthday, a few days in advance.

St Francis of Assisi: Wikipedia article
St Francis of Paola: Wikipedia article  
Pope Francis : Wikipedia article
Easter Menu 2013

Tapas y Pinchos
   -Pumpernickle Squares with Cooked Giardiniera, Herbed Parma Cotto and Smoked Auricchio
   - Spicy Potato and Savory Ricotta Pita Triangles
Marinated Peppadews
Lemon Marinated Anchovies
Olive Oil Marinated French Goat Feta Cheese

"Un Bis di Pasta"
    -  Lasagne Tradizionali (mom's contribution)
    -  Asiago Spinach Ravioli Pecan Sage Cream Sauce

Marsala Braised Lamb Roast

Creamy Celeric & Kabocha Zucca  Mash
Baked Green Bean Oreganata

Procini Buttermilk Biscuits
Olive Fougasse
Crusty Country Rustic Italian Loaf

On this Easter Eve and last day of Lent,. it is  fitting that I  part with some simple, yet powerful words that the Saint sang for us in old  Umbrian dialect many years ago so that tomorrow does not become just another gastronomic and gluttonous experience, but instead becomes a spiritual force and meaning that drives our actions outside of the kitchen, away from my island, away from the festive table.

The Canticle of the Sun
St. Francis of Assissi, 1224
Laudate et benedicete mi signore,
et rengraiate et serviateli cun grande humilitate.
Praise and bless my Lord, and give him thanks
And serve him with great humility.
Buona Pasqua , My Friends


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